Overriding Fortify's Authentication

This guide looks to provide assistance that specifically tackles scenarios where you may be overriding Fortify's authentication pipeline. via Fortify::authenticateUsing().


If you are using the Socialstream + Jetstream stack, you may want to opt-in to Fortify's Two Factor Authentication mechanics. When logging in via Socialstream, we have had to override two fundamental authentication classes with our own. The first is to create our own eloquent user provider (found here and registered here). The second is to create our own version of Fortify's login pipeline and use our own RedirectIfTwoFactorAuthenticatable class (which extends Fortify's one, but overrides the validateCredentials logic with our own).

If you're overriding the authentication pipeline to handle custom business logic (for example, to check if a user has been blocked by an admin and redirect away if so) you will need to make sure you include the same logic we use our RedirectIfTwoFactorAuthenticatable override, to make sure that login with socialstream providers still works.

use App\Models\User;
use JoelButcher\Socialstream\Contracts\ResolvesSocialiteUsers;
use JoelButcher\Socialstream\Socialstream;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;

Fortify::authenticateUsing(function (Request $request) {
    if ($provider = $request->route('provider')) {
        $socialUser = app(ResolvesSocialiteUsers::class)
        $connectedAccount = Socialstream::$connectedAccountModel::where('email', $socialUser->getEmail())->first();
        if (! $connectedAccount) {
                Fortify::username() => [__('auth.failed')],
        return $connectedAccount->user;
    // You're custom authentication logic here.


In this example, we're checking to see if a user has been blocked by and admin and returning a validation error if that is the case.

If you are following the example in Fortify's documentation and you are doing a hash check for the user entered password against the hash stored on the model, you will want to make sure you don't do this check for Socialstream routes.

First, check our route param to see if the user is coming from a Socialstream OAuth callback route:

use App\Models\User;
use JoelButcher\Socialstream\Contracts\ResolvesSocialiteUsers;
use JoelButcher\Socialstream\Socialstream;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;

Fortify::authenticateUsing(function (Request $request) {
    $user = null;
    $provider = $request->route('provider');

    // 1a. Attempt the resolve the user via socialstream
    if ($provider) {
        $socialUser = app(ResolvesSocialiteUsers::class)

        $connectedAccount = Socialstream::$connectedAccountModel::where('email', $socialUser->getEmail())->first();

        if (! $connectedAccount) {
            throw ValidationException::withMessages([
                Fortify::username() => [__('auth.failed')],

        $user = $connectedAccount->user;

    // 1b. Attempt to resolve the user if email present in request (i.e. from login form).
    if (! $user && $request->has('email')) {
            $user = User::where('email', $request->email)->first();

    // 2. Check if the resolved user is blocked and handle
    if ($user->blockedByAdmin()) {
        throw ValidationException::withMessages([
            Fortify::username() => [__('auth.blocked')],

    // 3. User is not blocked, log in if from Socialstream route
    if ($provider) {
        return $user;

    // 4. User hasn't set a password, so must login using an OAuth provider
    if (is_null($user->password)) {
        throw ValidationException::withMessages([
            Fortify::username() => [__('auth.failed')],

    // 5. Verify the password if the user has logged in via a form
    return Hash::check($request->password, $user->password) ? $user : null;

Last updated